mipo lepo
brand identity. space design. art direction
Nadav Shtreimer. Tomer Arbel
Guided by
Mipo Lepo is an airline for retirees who feel a sense of missing out from the past when it comes to traveling around the world. Mipo Lepo takes care of the entire flight experience with attention to the tiny little detail.

the story
The term "parliament" in Israel humorously refers to gatherings of pensioners in coffee shops where they spend their days discussing various current affairs. It is characterized by connecting tables, dragging chairs and endless amounts of coffee. every single day.
Mipo Lepo's copywriting combines concepts such as "pension" and "inheritance" appeals to the emotions and interests of the pensioners.
The arrows symbolize the attention to the small details and the utilization of the time of every moment of the trip.
the lounge is designed by the "Parliament" style where the pensioners usually sit in groups of cafes every day.
accessible. adventurous. cultural